Haven't been able to harvest too much from my earthly carnival as of yet, but the lettuce and spinach have had their initial picking. We took advantage of the little harvest and made a Cajun salmon Caesar salad. The rest of the spinach has been used to fancy up my scrambled eggs. I love green food. I love it even more when I use my hands and heart to help it grow! My green onions are almost at the picking stage. I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I am at the notion of pulling them up. (I have tried three times now only to be reminded that things take time!) A green onion a day keeps, well, most everyone away - but who cares. They taste so good and really spice up the salads. I'm going to plant another round of spinach this week since my current plants are flowering and I really want to continue picking it all summer/fall long. Life is good.
I'm building my first real garden in northeast Ohio and sharing my successes and failures with you.