I've been picking tomatoes at a pace faster than I can consume them. Oh the joys of Heirloom cherry tomato plants. I will definitely be planting more next year. The fruit is as sweet as candy.
The powdery mildew really did a number on my zucchini and cucumber plants. I picked what I think will be my last two zucchinis this past weekend.
I have late blooming eggplants; however, there is a destructive critter in my garden - an unidentified eggplant targeting slug-bug critter. My first eggplant was severely wounded by these little guys and so are the leaves to the plants. I haven't a clue what to do.
Here's the culprit hard at work.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST...I've got a new crop just starting to fruit: Acorn Squash. I've got a little learning to do in order to know when these guys are completely ready to be picked, but it does feel good to have a new little thing to look forward to.
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